'The Inspiration Collection'


The Inspiration Collection

Inspiration comes in many different forms during our lives. Whether an event, an individual or an act of true courage. We can all be inspired by true courage. For me my horse has been a great source of comfort and inspiration. Whether exhausted or anxious, frightened or angry, he is always there for me with a warm welcome and I wanted to share this feeling with you through my fine art UK photographs

The horse has been my source of inspiration during some of the darkest moments of my life. Horses are my friends and confidants. They listen without judgement, and they never told anyone my secrets. Horses have a way of making you feel seen and understood. Just being in their presence can lift the spirits and this is why I wanted to capture this.

What Is inspiration?

For me, it is something that comes from within. It’s that inner voice that tells you to keep going even when the going gets tough. It’s what drives you to do your best and be your best. Everyone has their own source of inspiration, and for me, it comes from a desire to make a difference. I want to make a difference in the world, and I believe that if we all work together, we can make it a better place. We can start by inspiring others to be their best selves, and then we can work together to create positive change.

See The World In New Ways

Inspiration can also be found in nature. The beauty of a sunset or the vastness of an ocean that fills me with a sense of wonder and awe. It reminds me of how small I am in comparison to the rest of the world, and how much there is to explore. Anything that stirs the emotions can be inspiration for creative expression. Whatever its source, inspiration is what allows us to see the world in new ways and create something truly original and I hope I have achieved this.

These photographs show movement and energy. When you walk by these images in your office or home, take a moment, pause and reflect on how you can inspire and encourage others in this life.


Please contact me to find out more about this Fine Art UK collection. Allow me to inspire you!

Call 07887 776 458 or email claire@beingbarefoot.co.uk to discuss images, sizes and frames.