'The Blonde Collection'


The Blonde Collection

Fine art horse photography takes many different forms. It can be a photograph of a horse in motion, capturing the beauty and elegance of the animal. It can be a portrait of a horse, highlighting the personality and character of the subject. Or it can be a photo that captures the emotional relationship between horse and rider. Whatever the form, fine art horse photography is all about conveying the deep love and admiration that horse enthusiasts feel for these amazing animals.

An Unspoken Bond Between Horse And Human

Through their images, horse photographers such as myself strive to capture the unspoken bond that exists between horse and human, and to share the joy and exhilaration that comes from working with these magnificent creatures.

In a world that is often filled with negativity, fine art horse photography reminds us of the simple pleasures can be found in life, and of the deep connection that we can share with another living being.

Perfect Harmony

The first and second images represent the horse’s complete independence from man. He is also in perfect harmony with himself.

The synergy between a man and horse when in balance is beauty to behold. The third image represents the merging of souls. A complete example of when two souls have become one.


Please contact me to find out more about my Fine Art Horse Photography collection. Deep connections and a shared bond and the beauty and humbleness of these wonderful creatures – this is what I would love to share with you.

Call 07887 776 458 or email claire@beingbarefoot.co.uk to discuss images, sizes and frames.